Welcome to CMC
Provincial's Desk

Sr.Maria Augustine
Christu Jyothi province manchiriyal is the tiny branch of CMC. It is spread around to 5 dioceses in 3 states. Province consists of 16 houses with 97 sisters. The members of Kristu Jyoti province are mainly engaged in education faith formation healing ministry and social work. The number of local vocations are increasing every year there are more than 15 local vocation in the province at present. The sisters of the province mainly focus on the development of villages attached to its communities.
Provincial Superior
Our Services

Our calling and passion
Christu Jyothi Province was formed the Jayamatha Province, Pala on September 18, 1995. Mar Vijayand Nedumpuram CMI, the then Bishop of Chanda Diocese inaugurated the province by the Holy Eucharistic celebration followed by lighting of the lamp at Provincial House Mancherial, Andhra Pradesh. Mother Benecacia, the then Superior General, Mother Rosaritta, the then Provincial Suyperior Pala province, and Sr.Leontia (Pala) and a good number of sisters and priests representing other congregations from Chanda diocese. Eluru Diocese, and Warangal Diocese participated in the Holy Eucharistic celebration. The mission which was spread in Andhra Pradesh and Jagdalpur areas were amalgamated and the General Chapter of 1995 raised it to the status of the new Christu Jyothi Province.

News & Updates

Our Guiding Lights

Our Lady Of Mount Carmel

St. Chavara Kuriakose Elias

Fr. Leopold Beccaro OCD
Co - Founder

St. Euphrasia
First Saint

Mother Mary Celine
Servant of God
Upcoming Events

Proclaiming the word of God is a prophetic duty and a prophet is a for runner of Jesus.
Our Evangelization team is working with this motivation in reaching the gospel message to the far and wide villages of the diocese. Village evangelization programmes through preaching, singing, Biblical movies, night vigils and prayers are smoothly going on in different areas. Our congregation is founded mainly for the Christian formation of the people, especially of women and children. Through Christian formation we lead the people of God to the meaning of the gift of faith.
Our Jubilees
Our Feasts
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“He send them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal” (Lk 9/2).
During the last three years our healing ministry tried our best to proclaim the Word of God even in our minute service which we render. Our sisters go ahead trusting in our Lord who can make everything possible from impossible.Trusting in God, our Doctor Sisters along with their team try to face the challenges in the field and give healing to the patients through the medicine, the Word of God and prayer.
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